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The students’ of Ambitions 4 Photography Academy and the members of Ambitions 4 Photography Club are hosting a PHOTOGRAPHY EXHIBITION at Lalith Kala Academy, Chennai from 19th -24th August 2006. This exhibition is a part of the photography event called ‘INFOCUS 2006’

There are about 150 beautiful pictures from 30 creative student photographers. Make sure you are there to witness the exhibition and the related events. Mr.R.Parthiban, actor and Director and Mr. Arvind Krishna, Cinematographer is the Guest of Honour of the day to inaugurate the event at 11.00 am on 19th August 2006.

All the students and everybody interested in photography are welcome to be a part of the event.

– Admin, Ambitions 4 Photography Academy

Project Submission P1 & P2 Courses

Project Submission P1 & P2 Courses

The last date for submitting the basic and advanced projects is extended up to 31st October 2004. The students who have not submitted their projects yet, should submit the same on or before the due date.

The projects submitted after 31st October 2004, strictly will not be entertained. The students who have not submitted their projects will not be eligible for the course completion certificate there after.

– By Order

Ambitions 4 Photography Academy


PHOTO EXHIBITION by the students of AMBITIONS 4.

Ambitions4 Photography Academy, Chennai’s leading photography academy, INFOCUS 2004 – an annual photography event was clebrated from 16th – 21th Sept.’04 at Lalit Kala Akademi, Greams Road, Chennai – 600 006.

More than 30 students from Ambitions4 Photography Academy exhibited around 120 photographs covering various subjects. It was interesting to note that, many of them started photography only after joining Ambitions4 Photography Academy. The exhibition and photo competition were conducted mainly to create awareness about the power of photography as an art and medium for effective visual communication.

The photo exhibition was inaugurated by Mr.K.V.Anand, I.S.C. renowned cinematographer and INFOCUS 2004 was declared open by Mr.Madhan, Cartoonist on 16th September’04 at 5.00 pm. The event attracted most of the college students, film / media and advertising personalities.

The schedule for ‘INFOCUS 2004’ events at LALIT KALA ACADEMY included,

-“Students” photo exhibition’ inauguration by Mr.K.V.Anand, Cinematographer, at Lalit Kala Akademi.

-INFOCUS 2004, event inauguration by Mr.Madhan, cartoonist, at Lalit Kala Akademi.

-Digital photography’ seminar by Mr.Satyajith at Lalit Kala Akademi on 17th Sept.’04.

-“Fashion and Portrait photography” workshop by Mr.Thomas Varghese on 18th Sept. ‘04

-“Inter college Photography Quiz” for students at Lalit Kala Akademi on 18th Sept. ‘04

-“Inter college Photography Quiz” for students at Lalit Kala Akademi on 18th Sept. ‘04

-“Caption a Photograph contest” at Lalit Kala Akademi from 16th – 20th Sept.’04.

-The photography exhibition is open for public from 16th – 21th Sept. ’04 at Lalit Kala Akademi.

The finale was conducted at Music Academy premises on 19th Sept. ’04,

The main attraction was the interaction with a leading Cinematographer, Mr.Gopinath and Dr.Bala Chandilyan, Exec. Director, Indian Institute of Leather Products. T.T.K. Road, Chennai –600 014.